Introverts, Extroverts and Presbytery Meetings

At our meeting last Saturday, we had an incredibly helpful conversation about building relationships with strangers while also being an introvert. Did you know that a lot of pastors are introverts? Yep. It’s true.

3016031-inline-how-to-care.jpgSo much so that even me, a clear extrovert, is often “done” with my allotment of words by the end of the day. I can’t even imagine how my introverted colleagues manage it! And at this point I should say I’m not sure it’s fair for me to write this post but I’m gonna give it my best shot.

We were talking about being introverts when we were planning our June meeting, particularly when we were planning the “fellowship” portion of the meeting. We were honest that at times, walking  into a Presbytery meeting can feel like walking into the proverbial “junior high cafeteria.” Do we know anyone in the room? Who shall I sit with? Will anyone talk to me? Will too many people talk to me? What will we talk about?

extroverts.jpgFor many, fellowship time is daunting and exhausting. For many, fellowship time is invigorating and encouraging. But making friends and creating connections is imperative for us in a connectional church. We need one another.

The Transition Task Force has planned some ways to help facilitate conversation around tables during our “fellowship” hour of the meeting in June. 

How? Well, Chris Smith is going to start us off talking about the Virtue of Dialogue during which we will begin some conversation. After Chris finishes up with our “Empower, Equip” hour, we will move into sharing a meal together. Around these tables, we’ll have some planned conversation to help us make friends and create connections.

As we think about the upcoming meetings in the fall, we have already begun to think about how to facilitate conversation about all kinds of important things about our churches, our faith and the work of our Presbytery. 

We hope you’re looking forward to our fellowship in June and if you’re not because you’re an introvert… we’ve got you in mind!

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Introverts are the best.


    1. bethscib says:

      On Sunday after worship this week, I had so much adrenaline it took hours to run out. I was wishing for a little more introverted-ness.


  2. peter gregory says:

    For almost 70 years Myers-Briggs type analysis has been tracking Protestant Clergy as a vocational cohort. Clergy by and large tend to test out as ISFP. As do most in the allied professions of Social Work and Nursing. Two career fields with very high burn-out, drop out rates that match mainline denomination professionals. In shorthand ISFPs do not like conflict or conflictual situations, do not voice their opinion to others, and tend to be quiet and sensitive. Not the best personality mix at times in the church, where conflict, stress, and dealing with people in crises tend to dominate one’s time. Also they tend to be very perceptive or sensitive to how others think or feel about them. Hence a high need for personal affirmation,or positive strokes from others. At best ISFPs are less than 10% of the general population, dominated by ESTJs, the polar opposite in personality type.

    So how does an organization support such a cohort? Professional development, networking, training, and other events that tends to give support and encouragement to folks who struggle in a work world of extroverts, more aggressive personality types. Small groups events tend to be more effective than larger presbytery type gatherings.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. bethscib says:

      A few folks were intrigued by your comment and so I received this webpage, I thought I’d add to this discussion.


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